I empower women suffering PTSD from sexual abuse.

Holistic Framework | Counselling | Intuitive Healing

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Healing the heart

Healing Evolution is a wellness centre for women who want more out of life. I support women who are ready to look inward to heal their stored trauma from sexual abuse to gain confidence and self worth allowing them to live from a space of love and connection. I specialise in counselling and intuitive healing that gently supports women to process their emotions and let go of stored trauma that’s holding them back in life and love. There is another way to live and you have the power within you to break free of your story and step into your personal power and sacred feminine energy. You are not alone and I am here to support you on your healing journey. Connect with me today and start living life on your terms and not in the shadows of the past.


Tammy: A 43 year old women with post truamatic stress wanted to start dating again

Tammy had been struggling with PTS since she was sexually abused by her step father when she was a child. Her body has responded to the trauma by being in a consent state of fright, flight, freeze, causing her to avoid contact with men. She felt alone and isolated but fearful to start a new relationship because she didn't want to keep repeating the same patterns. She was feeling scared and not wanting to making the same mistakes in her next relationship. She felt stupid for letting someone she loved so deeply control and take advantage of her big heart.

Tammy's goal for her counselling was to start dating again so she could experience love, connection and intimacy.

Tammy found counselling helpful in the past but was looking for a holistic approach that included an intuitive aspect and a combination of modalities. She wanted something that would connect her on a spiritual level which she found very beneficial in the healing process. Tammy hadn't been able to let down her guard. In fact, her fear of men was at an all time high. She came to see the connection between the physical energy stuck in her body, her thought patterns and beliefs created her reality. Tammy was able to get quick results incorporating different modalities to calm her mind and soothed her body. One way Tammy was able to do this was with my specialized essential oil blends. During the sessions with Tammy, I intuitively selected essential oils which she applied to her hands along with messages I received to support her in this process. She would breathe deeply 3 times while relaxing and reconnecting to her body on a deeper level. This enabled Tammy to reconnect to her physical body and clear her mind to let go of limiting beliefs about herself and the world. This enabled her to communicate from a space a wholeness and person power when interacting with men.

Over a number of sessions, Tammy felt more self confident and learned to trust her intuition.

She learned how to let down her guard and trust her intuition when communicating with men. When red flags popped up she didn't just ignore them because she felt lonely and wanted any relationship. She had a new found strength and bravery allowing her to prioritise her needs and value her self worth. This gave her clear boundaries that supported the types of relationship she wanted in her life. She was now choosing rather than accepting anyone just because they showed her a little attention. Tammy felt self assured that she could decide what type of men she allowed in her life and the lives of her children. Tammy felt more confident that ever and was happily to being single until the right person came into her life.

These stories are based on real client experiences, but names and specific details have been changed to protect privacy.

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